Rocklin Police decide to notify citizens
Rocklin, Calif.- The purpose of the release of this information is to allow members of the public to protect themselves and their children from sex offenders. This notification is not intended to create fear, but is provided in the belief that an informed public is a safer public.
Use of this knowledge by citizens to drive registrants from their homes may lead to lack of compliance with registration laws, decreasing public safety. Citizen abuse of this information to threaten, intimidate or harass registrants will not be tolerated.
At this time, the Rocklin Police Department has no legal authority to direct where a sex offender may or may not live. Mr. Merrill has already served the sentence imposed by the courts for his criminal offense. He is not wanted at this time.
California Penal Code Sections
647.6 ( C ) (1) Annoy/Molest Children with priors
647.6 ( A ) Annoy/Molest Children
311.11 (b) Possess/etc Obscene Matter of Minor in Sexual Act/Attempt
Placer County Superior Court Convictions