23 year old Rocklin resident Casey Proctor was arrested yesterday morning by Rocklin police officers after he ran from the scene of a residential burglary with officers in pursuit.
The chase and search took place through back yards and a golf course near Stanford Ranch Rd. and Sunset. Police K-9s and aircraft assisted in the search.
On 02-16-2012 at approximately 10:00 a.m. the Rocklin Police Department received a phone call from a concerned citizen regarding a suspicious male lurking on foot in the 5000 block of Ford Rd. While officers responded to the area, Dispatch received an alarm notification from a house near where the suspicious male was last seen.
When officers arrived they discovered a broken rear window and began establishing a perimeter around the house. While setting up the perimeter, Casey Proctor DOB 01/06/1989, burst out of the front door of the house and began jumping fences through the neighborhood and an adjacent golf course with officers in foot pursuit. A large perimeter was established throughout the neighborhood while K-9 and air support was summoned.
After a period of time, Proctor broke out of hiding from another back yard and ran across Sunset Blvd., then through an apartment complex. He was apprehended in a nearby field by Rocklin officers with the Assistance of the officers from the Roseville Police Department and the California Highway Patrol Air Unit.
Casey Proctor was charged with Residential Burglary, Resisting Arrest and Witness Intimidation. He was booked into the Placer County Jail.