Rocklin, Calif.- The Rocklin Police Department has released their Annual Report for calendar year 2013. Rocklin has seen an increase in felony arrests during the past year and a decrease in misdemeanor arrests.
The Rocklin Police Department will also see an raise to their budget for 2013/14 to total slightly over $12 million.
Annual Rocklin Police Report Highlights
- Rocklin continues to enjoy one of the lowest crime rates in the Greater Sacramento Area.
- On average, someone calls the communications center every six minutes.
- Rocklin’s Animal Shelter took in 561 animals during 2013.
- In 2013, Rocklin Detective case load increased 118%.
- In 2013, the Juvenile Diversion Program had a 75% completion rate.
- The Volunteer Program has fingerprinted 8,709 children cumulatively.
- 603 citations were issued in 2013 for cell phone use while driving.
- 247 citations were issued for not wearing a seatbelt.