Just one day remains before Rocklin voters head to the polls to cast their votes to decide the fate of one of the most contentious local issues in Rocklin’s recent history. Measure H will decide whether Clover Valley remains undeveloped or if the land owners will be allowed to move forward with their planned development.
The “No Side” refers to itself in caricatures using biblical terms of a David versus Goliath battle, pitting local residents against a successful developer and land owner. On the “Yes Side”, they are appealing to those desirous of a balanced approach to growth and claiming to have addressed the concerns of the city and local residents.
Originally conceived as a much larger scale development, the land owners were attacked for the original plans of over 900 homes, possible destruction of old oak trees, wildlife habitat and destruction of culturally sensitive Indian sites.
What we have witnessed over the following years is a land owner and developer that has listened to the concerns of residents and made drastic adjustments to their development plans. The developer and residents working together to find common ground is exactly how the process is intended to work. The result opens up Clover Valley for public community use, the Valley Floor preserved with a dramatic reduction in housing density and key cultural sites preserved for future generations.
The “No side” has portrayed the development of a 2 lane road as a highway that will pollute the quality of life for Rocklin neighborhoods. It’s a argument we don’t buy.
However, the “No Side” should be highly commended for their commitment to community and activism. Because of the group, the land owner /developer was forced to sit up, take notice, address the concerns of residents and revise their development plans.
We feel the land owner has been exceptional in addressing and accommodating they key concerns of residents. So while we applaud the “No Side” for their activism and role in helping force a reduced plan, we feel strongly that it is now time to move forward with a plan that is a win/win for this community.
We support “Yes on Measure H”. In our opinion, it is a well thought development plan that has listened to the residents and seriously addressed the issues of preserving a significant portion of Clover Valley while saving important Indian Cultural sites and reducing the number of planned homes by approximately 500. We believe Rocklin’s quality of life will be enhanced by a “Yes” vote on Measure H.