Rocklin City Councilmember Kathy Lund will not seek re-election
First elected in November 1985, she was re-elected five times and served six one year terms as Mayor. During that time Rocklin grew from 9,000 residents to 55,000. Of the 102 people who have served on the Rocklin City Council, she is the third longest serving member.
‘It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Rocklin these last 25 years,’ said Councilmember Lund. ‘Many of the things we take for granted today, did not exist twenty-five years ago. We had no swimming pools, and no water features in the parks; in fact, there were no developed Neighborhood parks. The fire department was all volunteers. There was only one traffic signal and one flashing red light. There was far less shopping, and almost no restaurants.’
Councilmember Lund remembered that in 1985, Rocklin didn’t have a museum or a Heritage Park. There were no sidewalks in old town. Stanford Ranch was just starting; there was no Whitney Oaks or Whitney Ranch. The kids from all over town attended the same schools; Parker Whitney for grades K-3; Springview for grades 4-5; and Rocklin for grades 6-8. Rocklin had no high school in those days, so our kids went to Roseville High School.
‘In 2008, Family Circle Magazine named Rocklin one of the top ten cities in which to raise a family and I firmly believe that it couldn’t have happened without the planning and thought that has occurred during the past twenty-five years, I am so proud to have been a part of the changes that have occurred,’ said Kathy.
One of Councilmember Lund’s proudest accomplishments was working with her fellow council members to create an outline for the City’s future.
‘The General Plan is the road map to our future and with the General Plan Update scheduled to be heard this summer, we will have a clear direction. If followed, it will keep Rocklin a place where people want to live, work, and play,’ said Kathy.
Kathy has served on the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency Board since 1986. She has also served on the Sacramento Area Council of Governments Board, Placer County Economic Development Board, the Highway 65 JPA, and the South Placer Regional Transportation Authority. She has also served on numerous regional and local committees, including the Rocklin/Loomis Borders Committee.
In 2001, then Assemblyman Tim Leslie named her ‘Woman of the Year’. She has also been recognized by the Gold Trail DAR; the Girl Scouts; the Boy Scouts; the Business and Professional Women; and the Rocklin Kiwanis. In 2007, Governor Schwarzenegger appointed Kathy to the State Mining and Geology Board.
‘I shall miss working with the City Staff, my fellow Councilmembers, my colleagues in other cities, and most of all the citizens of Rocklin. It has been an honor to serve and work with so many wonderful people, and I look forward to watching the next generation of trailblazers forge ahead’, Kathy said.