Rocklin, Calif.- The Rocklin Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has endorsed Measures H and J on the Feb. 5 ballot – two important votes for the Rocklin community.
The Chamber recommends a ‘Yes’ vote on Measure H for the City Council-approved plan for Clover Valley and a ‘Yes’ vote for Measure J, which would allow the city to continue to maintain quality parks in our community with an annual fee on households.
‘The reduced plan represents what happens when good people and good government come together you get a plan that respects private property rights and provides benefit to Rocklin citizens all without raising taxes,’ said board member David Butler, chair of the Chamber’s Government Relations Committee.
‘Measure H respects important private property rights and guarantees that 60 percent of Clover Valley will be preserved as permanent open space a 552 percent increase over earlier proposals,’ he said.
Measure H will reduce traffic congestion with a new two-lane road connecting Park Drive and Sierra College Boulevard shortening commute time and cutting emergency response time by over half for police, fire and ambulance service. Measure H will create a new five-acre park and over two miles of hiking and biking trails in Clover Valley with full public access for all to enjoy.
Measure H guarantees that the number of trees in Clover Valley will not be reduced and preserves Native American sacred sites, wildlife habitat, meadows and our majestic Valley Oaks.
Measure J would allow the City to continue to collect an annual fee from households in Rocklin to support the maintenance of the city’s 27 parks.
‘Quality parks are key to a quality community,’ Butler said. ‘We strongly support this measure because our entire community benefits greatly with well-maintained, quality parks.’
The proposed $45 fee applies only to households and allows people 62 years old or older to request a reduction to $10. The new fee represents an increase from the current $30 annual fee, which was initially passed 20 years ago and has not increased in during those 20 years.
‘We are certainly sensitive to any fee increases,’ Mr. Butler said. ‘But in this instance we think it is warranted given the increasing cost of maintaining parks and the important role parks play in making Rocklin a quality place to live and do business.’