Raley’s Food For Families has launched its refresh campaign, designed to increase the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables at food banks throughout Northern California and Nevada.
Food For Families food bank partners will have access to a variety of fresh produce, in addition to dry goods, to distribute in their respective communities.
“The need for food assistance grows dramatically over the summer, but our food bank partners tell us that fresh, healthy produce is in extremely short supply,” said Jennie Teel Wolter, Food For Families Development Officer. “We’re proud to offer the community a simple and easy way to help make a difference by providing fresh fruits and vegetables to the those struggling with hunger.”
Every dollar counts— community members can help provide produce to food banks in their communities. From June 15th through July 31st, every Raley’s, Bel Air and Nob Hill Market will be participating in a summer donation drive. A $1 donation will help to provide fresh fruits and veggies to a local food bank and Raley’s will match donations, up to $25,000. Last summer, customers, team member and businesses raised over $460,000 to fight hunger in their communities.
“The Raley’s Food For Families program is an incredible gift to our community,” said Blake Young, President/CEO, Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services. “This program provides fresh fruits and vegetables to organizations that focus on helping families who struggle with access to healthy food. Our partnership with Raley’s is a blessing and is important to our success. We are grateful for Raley’s and their customers’ commitment to hunger issues in our community”.
Working alongside food bank partners, the program will continue to grow the number of fresh, healthful produce options that are available, as well as connect more local growers with food banks in their neighborhood. By doing so they will work to understand and overcome the challenges that many local food banks face. Food For Families plans to help food banks obtain the necessary resources and equipment for distribution, as well as provide educational tools.
Some Fresh Facts:
* 49 million Americans are food insecure, many of them children.
* 37 million Americans are being served by food banks and soup kitchens.
* 40% of people receiving emergency food assistance are also employed.
* Families facing hunger are far less likely to eat a nutritionally complete diet.
* 90% of at-risk youth don’t get the recommended servings of vegetables on a regular basis fact
* Hunger and obesity can be a deadly pair.
Food For Families plays an integral part of feeding those in need, in our communities. The refresh program will provide fresh, nutritious produce – getting real food to real families.