Roseville, Calif. – In the winter cold air isn’t getting inside; actually the warm air is getting out, taking your money with it. The colder the window, the more energy it takes to heat the home, resulting in higher energy bills. Heat may even be escaping around the glass from drafts caused by failed adhesive, gaps between the trim and the window frame, or bad window seals.
Here are some tips from the experts at Glass Doctor of Placer County to solve these problems, save energy and prepare windows for winter.
- Hang thick curtains if style is your main concern. Shutters or shades are better than curtains because they are more solid, and they can look good as well.
- Framed inserts can be custom-built from sheets of plastic that are framed with wood and attached to window trim with clips.
- Before it gets too cold outside, insulate around window and door glass trim. Install weather stripping around older windows that are not opened often. Now there is rope caulk that doesn’t need a caulk gun and can be easily removed and used again.
- Replace cracked glass in windows. Often Glass Doctor can replace a single pane without having to replace the entire window.
- Replace failed Insulated Glass Units (IGU). The IGU windows feature two panes of glass with insulating gas sealed between the panes. If an IGU seal fails, a milky substance will form, ruining the energy savings and the view.
- Replace older windows with energy-efficient windows. New vinyl or fiberglass windows with low-emissivity glass conduct less heat and are more energy-efficient than metal windows.
‘Repairing or replacing windows is a great home value investment,’ said Chad Heaps of Glass Doctor of Placer County. ‘
According to Remodeling magazine, 79 to 81 percent of the average window replacement cost can be recouped in increased home resale value. Only wood deck additions and siding replacements increase home resale value more. Glass Doctor can help find the windows that are right for your home.’