Auburn, Calif.- With a good mountain snowpack, officials of the Placer County Water Agency said Thursday (Apr. 1) that normal water deliveries are anticipated this year throughout PCWA service areas.
‘Overall, we’re in good shape,’ said PCWA Director of Field Services Mike Nichol, who provided a water supply update at the regular biweekly meeting of the PCWA Board of Directors.
Nichol and PCWA Power System Manager Steve Jones presented Apr. 1 snow survey data showing 103 percent of average water content on the American River watershed and 94 percent of average on the Yuba-Bear river watersheds.
Jones said the difference between the figures is due primarily to this year’s storm patterns which have left more water content at the 5700-foot to 6300-foot elevations where American River measurements are taken and a drier snowpack with less water at higher elevations where some of the Yuba-Bear readings are taken.
PCWA reservoirs are at normal elevations for this time of year and snowpack runoff is expected to continue to replenish the system over the coming months, Jones said.
Nichol said a combination of water supplies from American and Yuba-Bear river sources would be sufficient to meet the irrigation water needs of agricultural growers in far western Placer County’s Zone 5.
A staff recommendation that up to 17,000 acre-feet of water would be available this year to Zone 5 growers won unanimous support from the board.
In other business, directors:
- welcomed Jim Pope, executive director, and Jane Cirrincione, assistant general manager, of the Northern California Power Agency (NCPA), a 17-member association of public power producers of which PCWA is a longtime member. Cirrincione offered a presentation on current NCPA issues and advocacy efforts. Directors also heard a presentation from energy policy consultant Eldon A. Cotton, who is tracking state and federal legislative trends related to energy policy and climate change.
- heard a staff update on current water system master planning efforts. With major expansion projects slowed because of the county’s reduced growth rate, PCWA engineers have been looking into smaller, scaled-back efforts that would meet current needs and remain adaptable for long-term growth projections.
- heard an update from watershed planning consultant Marie Davis on the upcoming PCWA-hosted watershed forum. The free public event, ‘Placer’s Watersheds: Stewardship in Action,’ will be held on Apr. 29, from 6:30-9:30 p.m., at the Ridge Golf Club in Auburn. Several expert speakers will be present.
- nominated PCWA Director of Administrative Services Valerie C. Lord for a Region 2 seat on the Board of Directors of the California Special Districts Association.
Information on PCWA board meetings may be obtained through the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.