Auburn, Calif.- For its September 15 Board meeting, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors traveled to Tahoe City for its annual east slope meeting. The Tahoe City Public Utility District (TCPUD) hosted this year’s meeting and was joined by the Northstar Community Service District (NCSD), Squaw Valley Public Service District, North Tahoe Public Utility District (NTPUD), and Truckee Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD). All districts presented reports to the PCWA Board.
Cindy Gustafson, General Manager of the TCPUD, reported on efforts to consolidate water systems in TCPUD’s service area. Gustafson noted that seventeen water systems currently serve about 7,600 homes and businesses, and legislation, signed into law last year, can help streamline the consolidation process. Since 1992, the TCPUD has added about 750 connections to its system.
NCSD General Manager, Mike Staudenmayer, noted that this year’s east slope meeting marked the one-year anniversary, and complete transfer, of PCWA’s eastern water system to the special district. Since last year’s transfer of the system, the NCSD has been investing in data software and water management practices to ensure efficient use of water in the District’s service area.
Mike Geary, Squaw Valley Public Service District General Manager, described efforts to create drought task force and management plan, and thanked PCWA for its $15,000 grant to assist in those efforts.
The NTPUD was represented by Will Stelter, Engineering and Operations Manager, who reported that the District recently completed its new strategic plan and a number of new urban improvement projects. Of specific note was a 500,000-gallon Kings Beach water storage tank.
In the final presentation of the meeting, TDPUD Public Information and Conservation Manager, Steve Poncelet, discussed the District’s long-term views and on water policy and energy markets, and how the District is adapting to address anticipated changes.
PCWA District 5 Director Joshua Alpine, whose district includes the east slope, concluded the meeting by thanking the agencies and noting the special relationship between PCWA and east slope partners. “The Tahoe districts and PCWA face similar regulatory and operational challenges, as well as opportunities,” Alpine said. “We must continue to work together for the long-term benefit of Placer County residents, and their water and energy resources.”
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.
For information on PCWA board meetings, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.