Auburn, Calif. – At its November 19 meeting, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors adopted the Agency’s 2016 budget. The $101.3 million budget represents an evolving financial landscape primarily due to California’s historic drought.
“Our water and energy sales were down in 2015 as a result of the state’s conservation mandate and ongoing drought conditions,” PCWA General Manager, Einar Maisch said. “While we hope a wet winter provides relief in 2016, we are planning for continued conservation. We believe the 2016 budget allows us to continue to operate, and invest, in a way that best serves our customers.”
The 2016 budget is $6.7 million less than the adopted 2015 budget. The combined operating budget has increased by $1.7 million, while the combined capital budget will decrease by $8.4 million. Approximately $3 million from Agency reserves will be used to fund the water division capital improvement program in 2016.
In other news, PCWA Directors
– Received a drought update from PCWA Deputy Director of Technical Services, Tony Firenzi. Treated water conservation in October was at 26%, while conservation on the canal system was at 23% compared to the base year of 2013. Overall conservation through October stands at 31%.
For information on PCWA board meetings, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.