Auburn, Calif. – Facing a statewide shortage of the security paper used to print official birth, death and marriage certificates, Placer County has begun limiting certified copies of each document to one per requester until that supply is replenished.
In July, the sole supplier of banknote security paper used by California counties, Sekuworks LLC, closed without warning. The sudden closure forced the state to search for another company that could produce this special paper to the exacting standards set by California law. Once a suitable vendor, Canadian Bank Note, was approved by state officials, Placer County contracted with the firm to provide an interim supply of the paper and expects to receive a new shipment in November.
“We certainly regret any inconvenience this causes, and we need to be as fair as we can about providing this service with the paper we have left,” said Placer County program supervisor Michael Romero.
We’re in the same boat as a lot of other counties, so we’re working closely with the state to restock the paper and resume providing our normal level of service as soon as we can.”
Certified copies of birth and death records from 1905 to present and marriage certificates from 2010 to present are also available through the California Department of Public Health.
Some agencies in Placer County may also accept alternatives to certified copies of vital records. For example, many schools will accept a verification of birth document for admittance into school. There is no charge for a verification of birth document.