Placer County Transit is scheduled to take over operations of the City of Lincoln’s fixed-route bus service beginning July 1.
Both the Placer County Board of Supervisors and Lincoln City Council approved a transit services agreement Tuesday that provides for the change in operations. The city currently operates a system with two fixed routes Mondays through Fridays through its own agency, Lincoln Transit.
The consolidation of Lincoln Transit with Placer County Transit resulted from discussions involving the county, city and Placer County Transportation Planning Agency about potential benefits from increased coordination and consolidation of transit services.
Under the agreement, Placer County Transit will contract with the city to provide both the fixed-route and dial-a-ride services currently offered by Lincoln. The latter services will be operated through Placer County Transit’s existing contract for dial-a-ride services with MV Transportation beginning as early as May 1.
The agreement between Placer County and Lincoln offers several advantages, including lower fares for passengers, economies of scale and improved coordination of transit services within western Placer County. Placer County has similar agreements with the City of Rocklin and Town of Loomis to provide transit services within their boundaries.
Under the agreement approved Tuesday, Placer County Transit will operate bus services within Lincoln and manage operations. Lincoln will pay for services and equipment purchases, determine service levels within its boundaries and be responsible for bus stops and shelters in the city.
The agreement builds upon a long history of cooperation between Placer County and Lincoln for transit services. Since 2001, for example, the City of Lincoln has paid a share of the costs for Placer County Transit’s service between Lincoln and Sierra College and part of the costs for Placer Commuter Express, a service that takes riders to and from downtown Sacramento during commute hours on weekdays.