In its first meeting of the new year, the Placer County Board of Supervisors today held a ceremony swearing in two newly re-elected supervisors and several other elected officials.
The Board also selected the two supervisors who will serve as chair and vice-chair for 2015.
Placer County Superior Court Presiding Judge Alan Pineschi presided over the oath-taking ceremony. Ceremonially sworn in today were First District Supervisor Jack Duran and Second District Supervisor Robert Weygandt, along with District Attorney Scott Owens, Sheriff Edward N. Bonner, Treasurer-Tax Collector Jenine Windeshausen, Auditor-Controller Andrew Sisk, and Assessor Kristen Spears.
Each year in January, the Board elects a different supervisor to serve as chair for the entire year. Fourth District Supervisor Kirk Uhler was selected by the Board to serve as chair. Supervisor Robert Weygandt was selected as vice-chair and will serve as chair if Uhler is unable to preside over any Board meeting.
The Board also considered assignments to the 52 committees and commissions that supervisors serve on as delegates or alternates. The Board had discussion on the assignments and gave direction to staff, who will return to the Board at its Jan. 20, 2015, meeting to confirm committee and commission assignments for 2015.