Auburn, Calif - The Placer County Board of Supervisors today honored eight citizens with the County’s Commemorative Coin Program in recognition of their acts of heroism, longstanding community service or exceptional acts that have dramatically improved or affected the lives of others.
The program was instituted by the Board in 2002 at the request of Supervisor Gaines and, with today’s recipients has recognized a total of 27 citizens.
The 2005 recipients are:
John Piches, District 1, Recognized by Supervisor Bill Santucci;
George Robert Scherer and Stephen Reed Scherer, District 2, Recognized by Supervisor Robert Weygandt;
Harriet White and Bob Lundin, District 3, Recognized by Supervisor Jim Holmes;
Virg Anderson and Steve Nash, District 4, Recognized by Supervisor Ted Gaines; and
Norma Schwartz, District 5, Recognized by Supervisor Bruce Kranz.
Each supervisor is given the opportunity to award a coin to one or more citizen each year who meet one or more of the following criteria:
Offered contribution of longstanding services to Placer County or to a resident;
Sacrificed a combination of time and talent to Placer County or a resident;
Went beyond the call of duty to save a life;
Voluntarily performed an act of heroism and was not paid for the act;
Participated in a rarely told or reported feat;
Dramatically improved or affected a life.
John Piches, District 1
John is a life-long Roseville resident and has for decades made innumerable contributions to his community. He was instrumental in securing land and a general obligation bond to build Roseville’s first community hospital. He served on the Roseville High School’s Board of Trustees and played a major role in the success of the school’s athletic program and on-the-job work experience program. John also served as Chairman of a local committee to put lights on the Roseville High School football field. He was General Chairman of Roseville’s 100-year anniversary celebration and formed the group that saved Roseville’s old library. As a World War II Veteran and 56-year American Legion Member, he currently serves on the Roseville Veterans Memorial Hall Board, which he has done for the past 11 years.
Supervisor Santucci said of John Piches: ‘I have the privilege this morning of honoring John Piches for his many contributions to the Roseville community. John has helped shape the face of Roseville and has been instrumental in helping preserve the heritage of our community.’
George Robert Scherer and Stephen Reed Scherer, District 2
Robert and Reed are being awarded the Placer County Commemorative Coin Award for actions they took in July of 2004 while attempting to save the life of their father. These two Boy Scouts, members of Troop 29 out of Rocklin, performed CPR on their father in July, 2004, after he suffered a heart attack. While their father later succumbed to the effects of the heart attack, their training and preparation allowed them to keep their father alive until emergency medical assistance arrived. For their heroism, these two teens were both also recipients in 2005 of the National Court of Honor’s Heroism Award from the Boy Scouts of America.
Supervisor Weygandt said of Rob and Reed Scherer: ‘It is a real honor for me to recognize their efforts. I can’t imagine going through anything more difficult than that. Their training with the Scouts and their reaction under incredibly challenging circumstances provide me the opportunity to give that recognition.’
Bob Lundin, District 3
A Loomis resident since 1987, Bob was the first chair of the Horseshoe Bar Municipal Advisory Council, which was formed in 1989. Bob has worked tirelessly in balancing the desires of the development community with the importance of protecting the rural nature of the community. He left the MAC for an appointment to the Placer County Planning Commission, and when his tenure with the Commission ended, Bob returned to the MAC until his recent retirement. Bob was instrumental in creating rural design guidelines and has been active in mentoring others to become involved in their community.
Supervisor Holmes said of Bob Lundin: ‘Bob Lundin is a relatively new member of Placer County, having moved here in 1987. But he didn’t just move here and sit around; he got busy.’
Harriet White, District 3
Harriet has been active in many organizations in Placer County. In addition to serving two terms as a member of the Board of Supervisors from 1996 to 2004, Harriet has served the aging population by membership on the Commission on Aging, Area 4 Agency on Aging and Older Adult Advisory Commission. She was a member of the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency and involved in the Bell Road widening project. She ably represented Placer through the National Association of Counties, Regional Council of Rural Counties and the California State Association of Counties. She has also been active in the issues of mobile/manufactured homes as related to constituents in Placer County, involved in the Auburn 20/20 Visioning Project, the Highway 49 safety improvements and worked on many community plan updates.
Supervisor Holmes will present Harriet White with her award at a meeting later in the year, as she was out of town for this morning’s meeting.
Virg Anderson, Steve Nash, District 4
Virg Anderson serves on the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) and is the vice-chair of the Granite Bay MAC Park Committee. As a member of the Sunrise Park and Recreation District staff, Virg has brought a wealth of expertise and counsel that has been invaluable to the design and construction process of our parks. As a Boy Scout Scoutmaster of over 27 years, Virg organized several work days and Eagle Scout projects to improve Granite Bay’s parks. His scout troop planted flowers and shrubs, installed an irrigation system, and planted numerous trees in both Granite Bay Community Park and Feist Park.
Steve Nash currently serves as a representative of the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council and the Granite Bay MAC Park Committee and is co-chair of the Feist Park Construction Task Force. The Construction Task Force has provided input to the County on construction needs at Feist Park and has helped raise funds and donations of labor for construction of the park. Steve and his wife, Renee, have donated thousands of dollars for construction of new parks in Granite Bay. In 2001, Steve and Renee paid over $14,000 for the purchase and installation of a commercial tot lot playground at Treelake Park. Later, they donated $10,000 to the County for construction of Granite Bay Community Park. Most recently, Steve and Renee donated $30,000 for construction of one of the new baseball diamonds at Feist Park. The baseball diamond now bears the name, ‘Nash Field’.
Supervisor Gaines recognized Virg Anderson and Steve Nash with the following comments: ‘Twelve years ago, the community of Granite Bay had a blossoming Little League and youth soccer program, but was sadly lacking in facilities to accommodate the eager players. Thankfully, due to the vision and tenacity of Placer County, Steve Nash and Virg Anderson, Granite Bay Community Park is now complete and Ronald L. Feist Park is scheduled for a grand opening in the spring of 2006.’
Norma Schwartz, District 5
Norma has become an institution on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe for than two decades as a member of the Board of Directors of the North Tahoe Public Utility District. Her receipt of this award stems from her dedicated civic contributions to the Lake Tahoe community. Norma was first appointed to the Board in 1977 when the then-director’s seat became vacant. Her tenure with the District is a record in the history of the NTPUD. Norma has had the distinction of being noted for cost-saving moves for the District. Norma has also served as the Executive Director of the North Tahoe Business Association.
Supervisor Kranz said of Norma Schwartz: ‘Norma is affectionately known as the mayor of the Tahoe Basin. She’s a very outspoken advocate for Lake Tahoe and has been for many years.’