The Governor’s Office of Emergency Services has notified Placer County that there were insufficient uninsured damages in the county from the storms in early January of this year to qualify for a federal disaster declaration.
During the severe January storms, numerous residential and commercial buildings in Placer County were damaged. The Placer County Office of Emergency Services (OES) contacted cities and special districts within the county and collected information on damages. This data was compiled and submitted to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, which collected damage information from all California counties. Had the damage triggered a federal presidential disaster declaration, federal assistance would have become available through the Individual Assistance program for homeowners and through the Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Program for commercial buildings. However, the damage in Placer County did not meet the federal threshold.
For further information or if you have any questions, please contact the Placer County Office of Emergency Services at (530) 886-5300.