The 2012 Placer County Economic and Demographic Profile is available online for anyone looking for facts and figures on a host of county-related topics, including demographics, the business climate, real estate market and quality of life.
The 174-page report was prepared for the Placer County Office of Economic Development by the Center for Strategic Economic Research, a consulting group affiliated with the Sacramento Area Commerce and Trade Organization.
“The profile offers a wealth of information for government officials, economic development experts, businesses and anyone else who wants to learn more about Placer County,” explained county Director of Economic Department David C. Snyder.
“It features information on many general-interest topics such as recreational activities, community events, places of historical interest and tourism resources while also providing updated statistics on topics such as the population of the county and its cities.”
The report has chapters on demographics, education, the business climate, real estate, infrastructure and quality of life. In many cases, data is provided for Placer County and its incorporated communities along with comparable statistics from five and 10 years earlier and future projections. Comparisons to the Sacramento Region, Bay Area and California as a whole are made throughout the report.
Snyder noted that business owners and groups will find the profile particularly useful. The business-climate chapter provides an industry overview and covers such topics as the county’s major employers, companies that have located or expanded in Placer County since 2005, the labor force, wages, taxable sales and workforce training and development programs.
To view the profile online, go to the county’s main website at and click on Economic Development’s link in the “Business Services” section. The Economic and Demographic Profile is on the right side of Economic Development’s website under “Quick Links.”
For additional information on the study, please contact the Office of Economic Development at 530-889-4016.