Auburn, Calif.- Public review of the proposed Placer County Conservation Plan (PCCP) is anticipated to begin next spring and final adoption could come late next year or in early 2016, it was reported at Thursday’s (May 1) meeting of the Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors.
Progress on the PCCP was the subject of a presentation to the board by Loren Clark of the Placer County Community Development Resource Agency.
The plan, which seeks to balance population growth and resource protection over a 50-year period, has its roots in the Placer Legacy Program of 2000 and has been in progress since 2008.
The PCCP is designed to cover unincorporated western Placer County, including the City of Lincoln. Its goals are to protect land, conserve landscapes, maximize landowner values and benefits, and to streamline planning and permitting.
Clark said the plan follows a “willing seller, willing buyer” concept and already identifies 16,000 acres of conserved lands.
PCWA is an active participant in the PCCP and will rely on the plan to project the need for construction of new water facilities required to serve a growing population in Western Placer County.
In other business, PCWA directors:
- approved the one-time sale of up to 35,000 acre-feet of surplus water from the Middle Fork American River Project to the Fresno-based Westlands Water District, which faces water shortages in its 600,000-acre agricultural area in Fresno and Kings counties. Officials said the sale would not affect water supplies for PCWA customers.
- heard an update from drought project manager Tony Firenzi on the agency’s continuing effort to conserve water in this drought year. Firenzi said above-average rains in April have reduced demand and allowed more water to be saved for use later in the year.
- recognized longtime employees Tom Reilly of the Field Services Department who is marking 35 years with PCWA; and Kelly Bacall of the PCWA Power System, who has reached 25 years of employment service.
PCWA board meetings are open to the public. Information on PCWA board meetings may be obtained through the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.