Auburn, Calif. – The Placer County Department of Child Support Services has received the 2015 Most Improved Child Support Program Award from the Western Interstate Child Support Enforcement Council.
The council, comprised of public and private child support professionals from the states, tribes, and territories west of the Mississippi, presents excellence awards in six categories every year. The award was presented earlier this month at the council’s annual training conference in Fort Worth, Texas.
“Increases in both cost effectiveness and collections – over 10 percent since 2012 – are the notable improvements of the department,” said Erica Priddle, Placer County child support specialist, who accepted the county’s award. “It’s really an honor to have received this award for our commitment to improving child support enforcement, and the benefits it provides to the children and parents we serve.”
The award recognizes a state, regional, county or tribal program that has shown exceptional improvement in key child support enforcement program performance areas and in services to its constituency during each year of the three preceding fiscal years. The 2015 award recognizes improvements made during the three preceding years, from 2012 through 2014.
“We’ve made incredible progress in improving our service to the community in every area that the federal government sets as a measurable area, and therefore is a critical area of review for the council,” said Troy Held, child support services director. “Winning this award has everything to do with our tremendously dedicated staff, who are constantly focused on improving customer service.”