First-ever countywide comprehensive park and trail master plan
Auburn, Calif. – One of the many things that make Placer County a great place to live, work and play are our many local parks and trails. From our soccer fields in the valley to our snow parks in the Sierras to the Western States Trail and its expansive views, our county offers a great variety of outdoor destinations.
The Placer County Board of Supervisors today approved a consultant agreement to prepare the first-ever countywide comprehensive park and trail master plan which will guide park and trail development for the next 10 years.
The master plan is intended to update the county’s general plan standards put in place in 1994 and to serve new trends and demographics.
This will give each community a chance to express their recreational needs and create flexible standards that adapt to the various communities in the county. For instance, the plan could allow communities like Granite Bay and Loomis to meet league play demands as well as meet the needs around eastern Placer County such as trails for summer and indoor recreation during the winter.
“As our communities continue to evolve it is important to meet their unique recreational tastes,” said District 5 Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery. “I am truly excited about how this plan hopes to promote healthy and thriving active communities throughout our county. Enjoying activities in these venues with family, friends or even going solo can create some of life’s best moments.”
The proposed plan will also work with neighboring agencies that border Placer County, such as the town of Truckee, California State Parks, U.S. Forest Service and various cities to develop a connected trail network throughout the region.
With the contract agreement now in place, the board has directed staff to proceed with the Placer County Park and Trail Master Plan public outreach, which includes a robust opportunity for public participation; website and social media development; data collection involving workshops, online surveys and Municipal Advisory Council meetings, to name a few; and working with technical advisory groups and focus groups.
Next steps also include determining available countywide inventory, demand, funding availability, priorities, service standards, fee program and strategic plan.