Roseville, Calif.- Family Ties, an award-winning program launched last year by The Soldiers Project/Sacramento, will continue to serve active duty military, veterans and their loved ones, thanks to funding provided by the Placer Community Foundation.
A $16,082 Community Wellness Mini-Grant was awarded last week in support of Family Ties, which offers free mental health treatment in a group setting to military family members. Family Ties also provides a support network for military kin who need help finding financial, educational and career resources.
“Placer Community Foundation is pleased to award (this grant) to The Soldiers Project,” said chief executive officer Veronica Blake. “Through the guidelines of this competitive grant program, (Family Ties) has been recognized as providing a natural network of support, which in turn works to promote a sense of community and belonging among our county residents.”
Offered in two-hour sessions over a six-week period, Family Ties – like its parent The Soldiers Project – focuses on assistance for military members who have served during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as their loved ones.
“All therapeutic mental health services offered by The Soldiers Project are free and confidential,” said Carolyn Fink, clinical director of TSP/Sacramento. “We concentrate on treating the symptoms of post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury – the invisible wounds of war.”
Family Ties groups are currently meeting on Thursday evenings at the Roseville offices of Sierra Mental Wellness Group, 333 Sunrise Ave., suite 701. Those who complete the six-week course may then choose to receive additional training and lead a Peer2Peer support group which allows soldiers to help other soldiers as they adjust to civilian life and deal with issues complicated by post-traumatic stress.
In addition to Family Ties and Peer2Peer, funds from the Placer Community Foundation mini-grant, which were provided by the California Mental Health Services Act, have been earmarked to launch a TSP/Sacramento web page and produce three 30-second spots to publicize TSP services.
The Soldiers Project/Sacramento, named earlier this year by the White House as one of the nation’s top 20 military service organizations, is comprised of about 50 licensed clinical therapists who last year volunteered nearly 1,000 hours of free treatment to soldiers and their families.
The Soldiers Project/Sacramento-Placer office in Roseville may be reached at (916) 792-3728.
For more information about TSP, Family Ties and Peer2Peer or to be connected with a therapist, call 877-557-5888.