Auburn, Calif.- Directors of the Placer County Water Agency this week expressed support for federal water legislation being considered by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein that would use voluntary water transfers to help alleviate some of California’s water supply problems.
PCWA, after meeting local water needs, has used water transfers in recent years to assist other parts of the state, as well as the State Water Bank. The water agency sells water only when it is surplus to local needs. The sales do not affect deliveries to PCWA water customers. ‘We manage and operate an extensive water system for the people of Placer County,’ said PCWA Board Chairman Gray Allen. ‘When we are able to sell water that is surplus to our local needs, it brings financial benefits to our community.’
Letter of support
The PCWA board on Tuesday (Oct. 6) forwarded a letter of support to Sen. Feinstein. ‘Your legislation will provide much needed relief in the form of a flexible and useful tool that will allow water to be transferred from willing parties to those in need within the State of California,’ Chairman Allen wrote.
In other business this week, PCWA directors:
- congratulated two employees who are recipients of Hometown Hero Awards from the American Red Cross, Sacramento Sierra Chapter. Justin Rawlins and Joe Reilly of PCWA’s Field Services Department were working along the Boardman Canal near Auburn in January when they responded to a call for help for a heart attack victim on the nearby Western States Trail. They performed CPR and helped coordinate rescue efforts. Despite best efforts by the two and responding emergency personnel, the 55-year-old man died.
- approved policy changes regarding irrigation water availability. Changes include removal of ‘conditional’ water status for all accounts, establishment of a minimum ‘firm’ water status of 8000 acre-feet annually for Zone 5 commercial agriculture, and a continued limitation of one-half miners-inch of summer water for customers in Zone 1 until facilities are complete for transmission of more water from the American River.
- approved environmental studies and a project to construct a new water intake structure between PG&E’s South Canal and PCWA’s Ophir Road pump station transfer basin. A public hearing on the project attracted no speakers.
Information on PCWA board meetings may be obtained through the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.