Auburn, Calif – At its November 17 meeting, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors adopted the Agency’s 2017 budget. The $109 million combined budget represents an increase of $3.5 million compared to the adjusted 2016 budget.
“Our operating budget is set to decrease by half a million dollars, while the combined capital budget will increase by $4 million,” said Director of Financial Services, Joe Parker. “Between our water and agency-wide budgets, we anticipate revenue will increase about 4.5 percent.”
PCWA’s budget is comprised of three divisions: water, power, and agency-wide. In 2017, the operating budget for water totals $37.6 million, while the operating budget for agency-wide totals $2.4 million. The power division, totaling $20.7 million in operating costs, is funded by the Middle Fork Project Finance Authority. In addition to the operating budgets, the 2017 budget designates $40.5 million to capital improvement projects, with another $7.7 million appropriated for capital related debt service costs.
The 2017 water budget also reflects a “new normal” in regards to reduced water use. Because many customers responded to the drought by implementing permanent water saving measures, water commodity revenues adjusted downward by 12 percent for treated water and 8 percent for untreated water in 2016, from the 2013 baseline. The proposed 2017 budget assumes commodity revenues consistent with 2016, reflecting the continued water savings efforts by customers.
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.
For information on PCWA board meetings, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.