Auburn, Calif.- Nory Sargeant, R.N., who oversaw the growth of Sutter Roseville Medical Center’s birthing center into one of the region’s largest and was instrumental in the opening of Placer County’s first neonatal intensive care unit, is the new manager of the Family Birth Center at Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital.
Sargeant comes to Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital just as the Family Birth Center is expected to go through its own growing pains. Currently with two obstetrician/gynecologists on staff and two more commencing practice next month, the Family Birth Center anticipates considerable growth.
‘This is exciting for me to step into an excellent birthing center that has room to grow,’ Sargeant said. ‘This is one of the premier Family Birth Centers in the region, with spacious private rooms, a very experienced, loving staff, and amenities such as labor tubs and 24/7 epidurals that you just don’t find at other comparably sized birthing centers. They really provide the comfort of home with all the cutting-edge care as a safety net for mom and baby.’
During her tenure as Sutter Roseville’s Director of Women’s and Children’s Services from 1996-2008, Sargeant oversaw the move of the birthing center from the old hospital campus to the new medical center and managed the growth of deliveries from 1,000 to 3,000 in those dozen years. The Sutter Roseville Family Birth Center expanded twice to meet the demand of births, including the doubling of the center in 2007.
In addition, Sargeant was instrumental in the planning and construction of the 16-bed NICU at Sutter Roseville, which is considered a model NICU with state-of-the-art equipment and private rooms. It was the first NICU in Placer County and cares for newborns throughout the county and beyond.
Sargeant, who has a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a master’s degree in business administration, grew up in Montana as the daughter of Filipino immigrants. She is involved in the regional Filipino community and has served medical missions to the Philippines. In addition to her experience at Sutter Roseville, Sargeant worked as a manager and registered nurse at UC Davis Medical Center, Woodland Memorial Hospital, UCSF Medical Center, Sutter Memorial Hospital and the U.S. Army 97th General Hospital.
‘We are thrilled to welcome Nory to our growing family in the Birth Center,’ said Mitch Hanna, Chief Executive Officer of Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital. ‘She has the experience and expertise in managing the growth of a Family Birth Center, while at the same time ensuring that our mothers and babies will receive the top-notch, family-centered service for which Sutter Auburn Faith is known.’
Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital is a 97-bed, acute-care hospital that has approximately 500 births a year. In 2007, it was ranked in the top 99 percent of Family Birth Centers in the nation for patient satisfaction. Expectant families are welcome to tour the Family Birth Center and meet the staff in person every Saturday at 11 a.m. No appointment is necessary. To arrange a tour at a different time or with a Spanish-speaking staff member, please call (530) 889-6085.
For more information on Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital and its Family Birth Center, go to the Web site