Placer County is offering the public two opportunities to participate in planning the development of a new Rocklin branch of the Placer County Library.
The current Rocklin library at 5460 Fifth St. was built in 1985. The new, larger facility to replace the existing library is being designed to accommodate the growth that has occurred over the last 10 years and to serve the Rocklin area into the future.
The public is invited to provide input by taking a survey posted on the Placer County Library’s website at The final deadline for filling out the survey is March 6, but county officials are urging the public to complete the survey early so they can begin analyzing the results.
‘The Placer County Board of Supervisors is committed to bringing a high-quality library to Rocklin,’ 3rd District Supervisor Jim Holmes said. ‘Please fill out the survey and help us make the Rocklin Library one of the best in our library system.”
County Director of Library Services Mark Parker said the survey will help the county and its design consultant, Anderson Brulé Architects, identify what services and programs the public considers most important. The survey results also will influence the design of the new library.
Second, library users are invited to attend a community meeting to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 3 in the Rocklin Police Department Emergency Operations Center, 4080 Rocklin Road. The meeting will include an update on planning for the new library and time for comments from the public.
‘We want to hear from you,’ 2nd District Supervisor Robert M. Weygandt said. ‘Your input is critical in helping us shape and deliver a well-planned library to Rocklin. Please help us make this new addition to your community one we can all be proud of.’
Supervisors Holmes and Weygandt both share in representing Rocklin on the Placer County Board of Supervisors.
The county had previously set aside some funding toward the construction of a new building, which would have cost approximately $20 million.
Instead, Placer County and the city of Rocklin have agreed to locate the library in a 16,600-square-foot, existing building at Rocklin Road and Granite Drive, purchased by the Rocklin Redevelopment Agency, which will be leased to the County for $1.00 per year. Under the agreement, the city will then lease the county-owned building next to Johnson Springfield Park that houses the current library.
‘This is an innovative and very cost-effective means of improving the library in Rocklin and will save a substantial amount of money,’ said Supervisor Holmes.
To a large extent, the library expansion is being funded by capital facility impact fees charged to developers over the last 10 years and set aside for this specific purpose.
The new library is expected to open in June of 2010.