Rocklin, Calif.- William Jessup University, the Sacramento area’s only residential four-year private university, has selected Dr. Scott Roberts to serve as Lead Faculty to the growing university’s new Kinesiology program slated to begin fall 2014. Dr. Roberts formerly served at California State University Chico where he was chair of one of the largest Kinesiology programs in the CSU system.
“Leaving a departmental chair’s role in one of California’s largest university Kinesiology departments to direct our program is strong evidence of Dr. Roberts’ calling and commitment to serve our students and build a vibrant academic program,” said Jessup’s Provost, Dr. Dennis Jameson. “Scott has been recognized for bridging academics and athletics. As our athletic programs advance to the next level, we are excited about partnership opportunities.”
Kinesiology is a growing field and one that many college athletes are interested in pursuing.
Currently, Jessup has 12 sports, with baseball slated to being in the 2015-16 academic year. Jessup’s Warriors play in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) however; all sports teams will enter the Golden State Athletic Conference (GSAC) for the 2014-15 season of play.
While overseeing the Kinesiology department at Chico State, Dr. Roberts performed a myriad of roles including department assessment and exercise physiology program coordinator. He also oversaw clinical internships, taught graduate and undergraduate courses and served as past director of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) workshops.
Dr. Roberts received his higher education degrees in exercise physiology; his master’s from California State University, Sacramento, and his doctoral from the University of New Mexico. He has taught in his field of expertise for the past 19 years.
Prior to higher education, Dr. Roberts was an exercise physiologist in cardiac rehabilitation.
Commenting on his new role, Roberts said, “It has always been a dream of mine to teach and work at a Christian university. My goal is to help foster an environment where students can grow in both their spiritual and physical fitness.”
The bachelor of science in Kinesiology program will provide a sound liberal arts background allowing students the opportunity to study core academic areas, while offering many sub-disciplines related with the allied health professions, athletic team concepts and applications, and academic teaching methodology.
Core areas of study will include exercise science, sports management, and health and wellness.
The department will offer courses, labs and real-world experiences specific to careers in exercise physiology, biomechanics, sport and exercise psychology, public school teaching, athletic training, coaching, corporate fitness and wellness, and more.
In January, the university announced the addition of a new baseball program, overseen by former Major League Baseball manager and player, Jerry Manuel.
Providing a Kinesiology program is highly desirable for many athletes attending Jessup and will play a key role as the university continues to recruit athletes for its growing sports program.