In our final installment for 2013, we present part 39 of our year long series highlighting over 800 new laws applicable to California for 2013. This segment includes alcoholic beverages, income taxes, business filings, calims against the state and more.
The California Legislature passed over 800 new laws for California residents and business and this series breaks downs those laws into digestible portions to help keep residents better informed. Readers can stop by and quickly scan a segment of new laws to learn what may impact them. Links to the legislature’s full text of each new law will be also be included.
California’s New Laws for 2013 – Segment 39
- SB 1524 – Nursing.
- SB 1525 – Postsecondary education, Student Athlete Bill of Rights.
- SB 1527 – Board of Behavioral Sciences, licensing.
- SB 1529 – Medi-Cal, providers, fraud.
- SB 1531 – Alcoholic beverages, tied-house restrictions, opera houses.
- SB 1532 – Business filings.
- SB 1538 – Health. Requires facilities conducting mammography examinations to give special notice to patients who have dense breast that they may benefit from additional screening.
- SB 1539 – Postsecondary education: textbooks.
- SB 1540 – Education. Requires the State Board of Education to consider adopting a revised curriculum framework and evaluation criteria for instructional materials in history-social science.
- SB 1541 – Timber harvesting plans.
- SB 1544 – Income taxes, disaster losses, Counties of Los Angeles and San Bernardino.
- SB 1548 – State Board of Equalization, offer in compromise.
- SB 1549 – Transportation projects, alternative project delivery methods.
- SB 1558 – Claims against the state, payment.
- SB 1563 – Civil service examinations, veterans’ preference.
- SB 1568 – Pupils, foster children, educational placement.
- SB 1571 – Personal income taxes, voluntary contribution, School Supplies for Homeless Children Fund.
- SB 1574 – Discovery, electronically stored information.
- SB 1575 – Business, Professions and Economic Development. Professions and vocations.
- SB 1576 – Business, Professions and Economic Development. Professions and vocations.
- SB 1577 – Resources, public trust lands, City of Newport Beach.
- SB 1580 – Governmental Organization. State surplus property, armories, sales.
All of California’s Laws may be accessed via the State Legislature website.