After receiving complaints and phone calls on January 22 from those supporting NO on H, Rocklin & Roseville Today extended the deadline 72 hours to January 24 to allow the NO on H side another opportunity to present answers to our list of questions. The 72 period has expired without a single response from the NO on H side. It’s unfortunate that we were unable to present both sides of this issue. The second deadline has passed and will no longer be extended.
In an effort to provide Rocklin residents with more information regarding the Measure H debate, Rocklin & Roseville Today on Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 9:25 a.m. presented a list of questions to both sides of the Clover Valley debate. We set a deadline of 4 days to respond to our eight questions. The unedited questions and answers are posted below.
Question 1: What is Clover Valley?
(NO on H) – No response
(Yes on H)- “Clover Valley is a 621 acre piece of land in Rocklin, owned by Clover Valley Partners for over 20 years. Clover Valley consists of a valley floor and ridge tops terrain.”
Question 2: What makes Clover Valley different than other development projects in Rocklin?
(NO on H) – No response
(Yes on H) – “Measure H is is a sensible and carefully crafted plan, which will provide over 60% more permanent open space (406 acres) and less than half of the number of homes than Clover Valley Partners’ original plan. Measure H also preserves Native American sacred sites, wildlife habitat and meadows. A cultural center is planned in order to share the historical significance of Clover Valley and over two miles of hiking trails.”
Question 3: How many homes will be built if Measure H passes?
(NO on H) – No response
(Yes on H) – “404 – None on the valley floor. The valley floor will be preserved as open space with hiking trails.”
Question 4: The Save the Clover website states “7,000 year old Pre-Historic Sites, of which 33 of them Qualified for the National Registry of Historic Places, will be Lost to obscurity” The “Yes on H” website states “Preserves Native American sacred sites, wildlife habitat, meadows and our majestic Valley Oaks” Who’s telling the truth?
(NO on H) – No response
(Yes on H) – “The United Auburn Indian Community has endorsed the Yes on Measure H campaign and agreed to purchase the valley floor, contingent of the passage of Measure H, which encompasses all 33 Native American sacred sites in Clover Valley. It would seem clear that the Tribe, who has the only documented tie to the 5,000 year old history and a direct interest in protecting the culturally sensitive sites in Clover Valley, is the most credible source on this subject.”
Question 5: What is the projected impact of additional cars on Rocklin roadways?
(NO on H) – No response
(Yes on H) – “Measure H reduces traffic congestion with a new two-lane road connecting Park Drive and Sierra College Boulevard speeding commute time and providing faster access for police, fire and emergency vehicles.”
Question 6: What is the economic impact of developing or saving Clover Valley?
(NO on H)– No response
(Yes on H) – “The two-lane road that is part of the City of Rocklin General plan and worth $15.5 million will be paid for by the developer as part of Measure H. If Measure H fails to pass, Rocklin tax payers will foot this bill. Measure H will produce an excess of revenue for the City of Rocklin via permit fees ($51,000,000), annual property taxes ($7,000,000) and Rocklin will also be gifted a site for a desperately needed fire station.”
Question 7: If Clover valley were not developed, Who would pay to purchase the land?
(NO on H) – No response
(Yes on H) – “If Measure H fails to pass, Clover Valley Partners have every legal right to pursue their original development plan, which includes building over 900 homes in Clover Valley and, and remedy their development rights, which have been valued in excess of $100,000,000. The developer is not obligated and cannot be forced to sell to anyone, and has the right via the condemnation process to seek remedy and value for any property rights the developer is denied.”
Question 8: What’s the single most important thing voters need to know before casting their vote on Measure H?
(NO on H) – No response
(Yes on H) – “Voting yes on Measure H is the ONLY way to protect and preserve Clover Valley. Voting No gives Clover Valley partners every legal right to revert back to their original plan, with over 950 homes built and no guarantees of preserved open space or seek the legal remedy and force the City of Rocklin to purchase the development rights at market value, putting a huge burden on the citizenry of Rocklin that could impact every citizen of adversely.”