Roseville, Calif.- Martin Neft, M.D., was honored as Physician of the Year at the Sutter Roseville Medical Center Foundation’s annual donor recognition event. Earlier this year the Foundation provided the opportunity for patients and donors to pay tribute to their physicians by making a contribution to the Foundation in the name of their physician.
This program, called “Make Your Doctor’s Day,” garnered recognition of 210 physicians at Sutter Roseville Medical Center and over 600 gifts to the Foundation. Each physician honored by this recognition received a certificate acknowledging their patient’s gratitude.
“We are excited to honor Dr. Neft as Physician of the Year,” said Patricia Marquez, Foundation Executive Director. “He’s been a fundamental element to the health and wellness of the community. It is a great way to thank him for all that he’s accomplished.”
Dr. Neft, family medicine physician, enjoys treating patients and improving their lives. He often visits patients in the hospital, not just as a physician but as a friend, and he attends most events that his patients invite him to. Dr. Neft has been to holiday parties and attended the wedding of a 90-year-old patient. On another patient’s 100th birthday Dr. Neft surprised her with flowers and a visit to her home.
In addition, Dr. Neft regularly spends time with his patients and treats them as if each is his most important patient. He always takes time to personally call patients with results or to answer questions. Dr. Neft has practiced for 29 years and is affiliated with Sutter Medical Foundation.
The Sutter Roseville Medical Center Foundation raises money from the community to support programs and capital projects at the medical center. This philanthropy is the key to providing better facilities and equipment for patients and in creating an optimum environment for their healing.