AUBURN – The Placer County Water Agency will commemorate the history and significance of the Lincoln Highway (old U.S. Highway 40) in a public dedication ceremony on Thursday, June 26.
The ceremony begins at 9 a.m. at the site of the new monument, which is located on PCWA land along Ophir Road, just east of Werner Road, in Ophir. Those attending are advised to arrive by 8:30 a.m. for parking and refreshments.
PCWA planned and constructed the monument as part of the recently-completed Ophir Road Pipelines Project, a major system improvement that improves water reliability to wide areas of western Placer County.
General Manager David Breninger said PCWA staff worked with the local community to carefully plan and place the new pipelines in a manner that would least disturb the historic highway. Some sections of the roadway’s original concrete have been saved and incorporated into the monument.
The monument is located on a parcel of land where PCWA plans a future water treatment plant. The monument is being dedicated to the California Chapter of the Lincoln Highway Association.
Lincoln Highway Monument Dedication
A plaque on the monument carries these words:
“This Monument Was Erected In Recognition Of The Historical Significance Of This Transportation Corridor By The Placer County Water Agency, And Dedicated To The California Chapter Of The Lincoln Highway Association. Ophir Road Was Formerly U.S. 40 Which Was The Main Route Over The Sierras Until The Construction Of Interstate 80. Prior To U.S. 40, The Lincoln Highway Traversed This Section Of Ophir Road. The Lincoln Highway, The First Road Across The United States, Was Conceived In 1913 By The Lincoln Highway Association Which Originated To Promote Automobile Travel In The United States. The Pieces Of Pavement Below Were Taken From These Two Historic Segments Of Highway.”