Lincoln, Calif.- The Placer County Board of Supervisors will dedicate a new fire station in rural Lincoln on Monday, May 24, during a celebration that begins at noon. Local residents are invited to attend.
The new Placer County Fire Station 70, located at 1112 Wise Road at Eden Lane in rural Lincoln, will replace an old station on Oak Tree Lane which has helped serve rural Lincoln for more than 40 years.
‘Rural Lincoln has always been particularly susceptible to wildland fires due to its mostly flat or rolling terrain, the expanses of native grasslands and oak woodlands, and the climate in Western Placer County,’ said Placer County Supervisor Robert Weygandt, who grew up in rural Lincoln and now represents the Lincoln area on the Board of Supervisors.
‘The new location will greatly enhance our ability to protect lives, property and the environment. The Gladding Fire in September of 2008 could have been a catastrophic event but for the strenuous efforts of Placer County Fire and its partnering agencies.
‘Having a new station on Wise Road will make response easier, and provide the best coverage for rural residents living in the area,’ he said.
Placer County elected to purchase the five-acre parcel located at Eden Lane and Wise Road for a new fire station. The existing 1,800 square foot modular home was remodeled to become an office and crew quarters. The barn was modified to become the bay in which the fire engine will be parked. Property improvements included widening barn doors, adding a 20-foot-wide driveway, a turnaround and public parking. A solar-powered emergency vehicle warning sign will also be installed on Wise Road.
Costs are expected to total about a little more than one million dollars.
‘The new station location places our staff and equipment exactly where it needs to be,’ said Placer County Fire Warden Brad Harris, who is also Chief of Nevada-Yuba-Placer Division of CAL FIRE.
‘With the help of the Board of Supervisors and the ability to function within the county system, we were able to take advantage of an opportunity to purchase an existing home and convert it into a fire station. Taxpayers have ultimately saved about $5 million in station construction costs.’
‘Thanks to our Board of Supervisors, Chief Brad Harris, and our Facility Services staff members, who were all instrumental in helping us develop this cost-effective solution,’ said Rui Cunha, Program Manager for the Placer County Office of Emergency Services. ‘We are confident that we will improve our response times due to the significantly improved location.’
In addition, living and working conditions for fire personnel will improve significantly at the new station, Cunha said. The Oak Tree Lane station was one of two original Placer County Fire stations. Staff had living quarters in a trailer onsite since about 1967. In recent years, the septic system had failed and the roof had begun to leak.
Fire prevention and protection in those areas of Placer County not served by independent fire protection districts or municipal fire departments is provided by a combination of a contract with CAL FIRE and six volunteer fire companies, all operated and administered by Placer County and CAL FIRE under the name ‘Placer County Fire.’