ROCKLIN, Calif. – The Sierra College Foundation has named KT Communities its 2007 Outstanding Partnership Award for its continuing support of Sierra College students and programs.
Individuals and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional commitment and support of education at Sierra College are recognized with this annual award, which was given to KT Communities at the Foundation’s annual dinner recognizing major donors. KT Communities is headed by Kyriakos Tsakopoulos.
“KT Communities has played a leadership role in supporting the Sierra College Foundation and our efforts on behalf of students,” said Howard Rudd, president of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. “KT Communities understands how important education is to the community and regularly supports key initiatives to benefit our students. We feel very fortunate to have such a generous partner.”
In 2005, KT Communities stepped forward to become the Title Sponsor of the Foundation’s first Taste of Excellence – playing a pivotal role in launching what has become one of the biggest fund-raisers each year in Placer County. In the three years that KT Communities has been the Title Sponsor, the event has raised a total of more than $400,000 to support Sierra College students.
KT Communities has also joined with other community members to honor one of the most respected journalists in our area, Jim Janssen, who passed away several years ago after nearly four decades as a reporter with the Roseville Press-Tribune. Each year, Mr. Janssen is remembered with a scholarship to a student interested in journalism.
“My father instilled in all his children a great appreciation for education. He saw how important an education was to him personally,” said Kyriakos Tsakopoulos. “We are proud to partner with Sierra College to promote educational opportunities for the Placer County community. When it comes to education in Placer County, no institution impacts more people than Sierra College.”
Tsakopoulos family members are regular supporters of scholarships for graduating high school seniors in this region and are playing a major role to bring a major university to the community.
“Sierra College plays a key role in educating not only our young people, but also helps retrain people who need new career skills,” said Sonbol Aliabadi, Executive Director of the Foundation. “We would like to thank KT Communities for its generosity and support for Sierra College and the entire community.”
About the Sierra College Foundation:
The Sierra College Foundation assists individuals who wish to advance the work of Sierra College through private gifts. The Sierra College Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization that raises money from private donors to support students, college programs and the future of Sierra College. Since it was incorporated in 1973, close to $2 million in Sierra College Foundation scholarships have been awarded to promising students.
If you wish to make a contribution or would like information about establishing a scholarship at Sierra College, please contact the Sierra College Foundation at (916) 789-2920, 5000 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677