A 51 year old inmate in the Placer County Jail was found deceased at about 2 AM Sunday morning, the victim of an apparent suicide. The inmate was found by a correctional officer during cell checks.
Peter Elliott (11/23/1960) was discovered during routine cell checks at the Placer County Jail. During the previous cell check at about 1 AM, he was observed walking around in his cell. About an hour later Elliot was discovered seated with his back against the cell door. When the correctional officer opened the cell door, Elliott fell backwards and into the day room. Elliott had a ligature around his neck. The correctional officer immediately removed the ligature and started CPR. Fire and paramedics were summoned to the jail. Despite the best efforts of correctional and jail medical staff and paramedics, Elliott was pronounced dead at 2:30 AM.
Placer County Sheriff’s detectives were called to the scene and are investigating, though the preliminary investigation reveals this to be an apparent suicide. The Sheriff’s Office is following all investigative and reporting protocols.
Elliott was in-custody on Domestic Violence and Public Intoxication Charges.