Roseville, CA Service and technical workers at Sutter Roseville Medical Center, including housekeeping, radiology technicians, operating room technicians, certified nursing assistants and others stood up in the face of management threats, interrogation, and harassment and voted to keep SEIU-UHW as their union.
‘We know we are stronger when we are united. We sent a message that we want to keep our union so we can protect our jobs and keep the strong voice we need to stand up for the highest quality patient care,’ said Ramona Davidson, a Food Service Assistant at Sutter Roseville Medical Center for 28 years.
Since the start of the year, members of the Service Employees International Union, United Healthcare Workers West (SEIU-UHW), have been working to negotiate a new contract for the more than 600 at Sutter Roseville. Instead, management got behind an attempt to decertify the workers union.
‘Sutter management’s effort to divide us failed and in fact has had the opposite effect. We are now even stronger and more united in SEIU-UHW. We intend to take the momentum from this victory to the bargaining table and fight for the strongest possible contract and the best care we can deliver,’ said Melissa Jones, a Monitor Tech in the Trauma/Neuro ICU for nearly ten years and a member of the Bargaining Team.

Hospital Workers at Sutter Roseville Vote to Keep SEIU-UHW
SourceLetter to the Editor