Transit services managed by Placer County will experience temporary schedule changes during the holiday period.
The County operates three transit services west of Donner Summit.
* Placer County Transit, a fixed-route bus service that normally operates Mondays through Saturdays;
* Placer Commuter Express, a weekday service that takes commuters from West Placer to downtown Sacramento; and
* Dial-A-Ride, a curb-to-curb service in western Placer County that normally serves the general public Mondays through Saturdays.
All three of these services will be closed on Christmas and New Year’s days. On the Fridays of Dec. 26 and Jan. 2, Placer County Transit and Dial-A-Ride will follow their regular Saturday schedules. Placer Commuter Express will not run on Dec. 25 or Jan. 1, but will run its regular schedule on all other days over the holiday period.
Placer County also manages the Tahoe Area Regional Transit (TART), a fixed-route bus service that normally operates seven days a week in North Lake Tahoe, including along the west shore. TART will continue to operate its normal routes, except on Dec. 25, when it will be closed