Rocklin, Calif. – For five years, Greg Janda has been helping to lead the Rocklin Area Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Rocklin program, which prepares future civic and business leaders.
Now, Janda will be taking on a new challenge – running for the Rocklin City Council.
“We are fortunate to live in a community like Rocklin,” Janda said. “As a City Council member, I will work to preserve what is great about Rocklin, provide a safe community by keeping police and fire response high, encourage innovative economic development by bringing my worldwide background to the table and limit taxes and spending at the local government level to what the community’s priorities are.”
Janda, 47, has owned an operated a technology business for 13 years and holds a degree in business administration from San Jose State University.
In addition to graduating from the Leadership Rocklin program in 2005 and serving on its steering committee for the last five years, Janda has volunteered at a number of civic organizations and events, including the Chamber’s Hot Chili & Cool Cars and Scramble for Scholars, Rocklin Elementary and the Rocklin Wave Swim Team. He is active in his church in Rocklin and has volunteered on several trips to Tanzania building churches and housing.
He and his wife, Kristin, have two daughters who attend Rocklin schools.
“While Rocklin can be rightly proud of the community today, I believe there are many things that can be done differently to ensure we have a quality community for the future,” Janda said. “Rocklin needs an aggressive program to attract and retain businesses. The City’s spending needs to be consistent with the economic realities of 2010.”
“As someone who has had to balance budgets and adjust my business to be in line with our revenues, I know that to improve our City going forward will require setting priorities and making tough decisions,” Janda said.