A Sunday afternoon drive in the countryside around Auburn and the foothills will take you by a growing number of vineyards these days, and they are producing award-winning wines. The Gold Country Fair will be hosting their first commercial and amateur wine competition at this year’s Fair, September 4-7.
In fact the theme of the Fair this year is ‘A Grape Adventure’ with multiple opportunities to enter theme-related competition.
Both commercial and homemade wines will compete in classes for red, white, blush/rosé, dessert, sparkling and non-grape wines. The competition is open to residents of Placer, El Dorado, Nevada, and Sacramento Counties. Two 750 ml. Bottles will be required one for tasting and one for display. Entry forms must be filed by noon August 19 and wine will be received on September 2.
Fruit of the vine and even the vines are the focus of many ‘Grape Adventure’ contests. The Ag-Hort (garden produce) department will be looking for bunches of grapes in several varieties and in gift packs. The Home Arts Department will be judging grape jams, jellies and syrups, and baked goods made with raisins. Wine barrel gardens and arrangements in a wine glass are featured in the Floriculture Department.
If you are an artist or crafter, your interpretation of the theme in paintings, grapevine wreathes, wine cork art, wine bottle creations and memory book pages are some of the classes you can enter.
The last day to file most still exhibit entry forms is August 5. Agriculture, horticulture, and floriculture entry deadline is August 19. A complete schedule of due dates and judging is included in the Gold Country Fair handbook. A complete schedule of due dates, judging and release dates is included in the Exhibitor Handbook.
The Gold Country Fair, A Grape Adventure, will be held September 4-7 this year. Plan now to showcase your talents in your hometown fair and encourage your friends and family to take the challenge too!