Winner selected from Grant applications
The Placer County Local Community Benefit Committee has announced the recipients of its 2009 grant funding. The grants are given to local government agency programs that help mitigate the effects of Indian gaming in the community. For 2009, the LCBC received an allocation of approximately $291,000 from the State Controller.
The committee met on May 11, 2009, to consider the grant applications and selected the winners after reviewing all applications.
The awardees include:
- $66,448 to the Placer County District Attorney’s Basic Prosecution Program: Funding requested to help offset prosecuting expenses related to crime originating at the Indian gaming casino.
- $13, 057 to the Placer County District Attorney’s Sexual Assault Response Team: Funding requested to offset expenses for training new providers and for computer equipment and software;
- $42,169 to the Placer County Probation Department’s Alternative Sentencing Program: The grant will be used to purchase equipment including; GPS location devices, alcohol detection and radios for use by probation staff to monitor and control activities related to the Alternative Sentencing program;
- $31,039 to the Placer County Sheriff: Funding for multi-story public access: For law enforcement actions/activities associated with multi-story buildings, like the building expansion project of the Indian gaming casino. Specifically, funding is requested for equipment purchases including; a robotic device for intelligence and tactical information gathering, and for building rappel lines and related equipment;
- $36,223 to the Placer County Adult System of Care’s Total Family Wellness program: Funding to support existing family services agency (Lighthouse, WIC, Family Planning Clinic) to assist families to maintain housing, jobs, health and counseling services. Service delivery is focused in the South Placer area.
- $37,620 to the City of Lincoln’s Youth Center: Funding will help operate the city’s Youth Center;
- $19,934 to the Rocklin Police Department’s Video Evidence Enhancement project. Funding will be used to purchase equipment to enhance primary source video used for evidence.
- $4,319 to the Rocklin Police Department’s Child Identification/Printing System: Funding will purchase specialized equipment to develop a “state of the art” child identification kit for parents to assist in missing or child abduction incidents;
- $34,154 to the Roseville Police Department’s Investigation and Traffic Management division: Funding is for a variety of services and equipment directly or indirectly related to crime originating at the Indian gaming casino.
The Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund Grant Program was created for local government agencies affected by tribal gaming. Only those applications that clearly identify and describe the effects from tribal gaming upon those agencies and propose projects designed to mitigate these impacts will be considered for funding by the LCBC.
Members of the committee include Placer County Supervisors Robert Weygandt and Jim Holmes, Lincoln Mayor Spencer Short, Rocklin Council Member Brett Storey, Roseville Mayor Gina Garbolino, and United Auburn Indian Community representatives Jessica Tavares, John Suehead and Howard Dickstein.