Sacramento, Calif. – Joining representatives from Repair California, The Bay Area Council and the Sierra Business Council, Assemblyman Ted Gaines, R-Roseville, today spoke about the need for government reform in California at a Constitutional Convention Town Hall in Truckee.
‘Our system of government is broken,’ Gaines said. ‘Overhauling the way we do business and making the necessary changes is not the easy thing to do. But Californians are tired of seeing Band-Aid remedies used as temporary solutions. Our problems won’t be solved with small changes, our entire governing structure in the state of California must change.’
Supervisors from Placer, Nevada and El Dorado counties also attended the Truckee town hall, which is one of six scheduled around the state. Friday’s event served as a fact-finding and learning session about the different methods of reform that can be implemented to help make government run more efficiently.
The Bay Area Council, a regional business group, has launched an effort to convene a constitutional convention to reform government and to set up a process to recruit average California citizens to serve on the panel and become an instrumental part in the reform process.
‘The future health of our state is at stake,’ Gaines said. ‘We must work to find the deep systematic changes that will help our government run more effectively and efficiently. And most importantly, a system that will work for the people this is the people’s state, and should be governed as so.’
Assemblyman Ted Gaines represents the 4th Assembly District, which includes portions of Placer, El Dorado, Sacramento & Alpine counties.