Auburn, Calif.- The local water supply outlook has improved considerably in recent weeks, it was reported at Thursday’s (Mar. 19) meeting of the Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors.
PCWA Director of Field Services Mike Nichol said the storms at the end of February and the first of March have brought snowpack water content and reservoir storage levels to average for this time of year.
Nichol said PCWA’s water supply outlook is positive and that the agency is planning to make full deliveries to all customers, including large commercial growers in the Zone 5 service area of western Placer County.
The federally owned Folsom Reservoir has been filling rapidly, rising 57 feet from early February levels, Nichol said. Folsom now holds about 113 percent of average storage for this time of year. Snowpack water content on the American River watershed is slightly above average, according to Nichol.