Rocklin, CA – Sierra Garrido, a member of the Rocklin High School Honor Guard, balances her vigorous academic schedule, time with the dance team, and volunteer projects.
Sierra is enrolled in many challenging classes such as AP Physics B, Language Arts III Honors, US History, Spanish III, AP Psychology, Pre-Calculus Trig Honors, Dance IV, and a Student Director for Dance II Partners. She is also a member of many clubs on campus including Kicking it Old School, CSF, Multicultural Club, Math Lab Tutoring, GSA, and Keeping Hope Club.
Sierra spends her extracurricular time with various community groups and the Dance Elite Program. Some of her volunteer projects include Origins Coffee and Tea, Rocklin Animal Shelter, and Project Linus where she makes blankets for critically-ill children. As a member of the Rocklin High Dance Team, she alongside her team members participated in the 24-hour Relay for Life supporting their “Cancer Never Sleeps” campaign.
Although unsure of what career path she plans on pursuing, Sierra wishes to find out while attending a four year university along the coast. Sierra likes to live by the quote, “Yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”