Rocklin, Calif. – Rebecca Stanley, a member of Rocklin High’s Class of 2015 Honor Guard, is a third year member of the RHS Dance Team along with being an excellent student taking Student Direct: Dance 2 Partners, Publications, Spanish 4, US History, AP Physics, English 3 Honors, Pre Calc/Trig Honors, and Dance 4.
Rebecca is also involved in the production of the yearbook, CSF, Kicking It Old School Club. As a leader on campus, she student directs the Dance 2 Partners class where she shares with peers her passion for dance. She also helps freshman students with algebra in Math Lab during plus period.
Outside of school, she loves traveling abroad and seeing different cultures around the world. So far, she has visited 17 different countries. She is also an competitive dancer for the Dance Elite Allstars.
She also volunteers for the Rocklin Animal Facility and helps to clean blankets, toys, and cages of the dogs and cats at the facility. For Project Linus, She helps creates blankets for children in need. She has also participated in Relay for Life for 3 years to raise money in hopes to finding a cure against cancer.
Rebecca is set on attending a 4 year university after high school and having a science related career in the future. She chooses to live her life by the quote “Look on the bright side, smile big, and don’t let yourself down,” because she wants to live her life positively to express her outgoing and loud personality to help spread her happiness to those who surround her.