Auburn, Calif. – Placer County Water Agency general counsel Edward J. Tiedemann was recognized Thursday (Dec. 18) by the PCWA Board of Directors after he was named recipient of the 2008 Distinguished Service Award of the Sacramento Regional Water Authority (RWA).
Tiedemann, a principal in the Sacramento law firm of Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann & Girard, has worked with PCWA since February 1959. From 1959-61 he served as assistant county executive for the County of Placer and provided administrative direction to PCWA. He entered private practice in 1962, becoming general counsel and water attorney for the PCWA, a position he continues to hold today.
“Ed Tiedemann is among California’s foremost water and public law attorneys,’ said longtime colleague and RWA attorney Paul Bartkiewicz, who presented the award at the RWA’s annual awards dinner on Dec. 10. ‘His contributions as general legal counsel to PCWA are too numerous to list.’
‘His assistance in countless issues in development of PCWA’s Middle Fork American River Project, including obtaining water right permits and a federal power license, administering construction contracts and negotiating water contracts, has served and will continue to serve generations of people in Placer County, this region and the rest of California. I cannot imagine a more-deserving recipient of a distinguished service award.”
PCWA Board Chairman Gray Allen, who also serves as the agency’s representative to RWA, also offered high praise for Tiedemann’s dedicated public service. ‘I’m delighted that Ed received this prestigious award,’ he said. ‘He has served the agency well for many years. The people of Placer County owe him a great deal of gratitude.’
PCWA General Manager David A. Breninger said Tiedemann was an easy choice for him and the board of directors, who nominated their attorney for the honors. ‘As part of our 50th anniversary, we reflected back on what distinguishing factors have contributed most to the agency and its constituents,’ Breninger said. ‘It became clearly evident to the board and general manager that one individual stands out from all the rest.
‘Through the decades, Ed Tiedemann has provided the board of directors and general manager with reliable and steadfast advice and counsel,’ Breninger commented, noting that Tiedemann’s many accomplishments were always achieved with ‘a very gracious manner and style.’
The RWA is a joint powers authority representing 22 water providers in the greater Sacramento area. Its primary mission is to help members protect and enhance the reliability, availability, affordability and quality of water resources.