Supporting major investments in local transportation
Members of the Placer County Economic Development Board at a special Oct. 27 meeting expressed support for the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency’s funding priorities for major investments in local infrastructure.
With continued population growth throughout western Placer County, area roadways are crowded and traffic is expected to get worse. According to the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, transportation infrastructure improvements are needed in the region to accommodate current and growing population and economic needs.
“As the only civic body comprised of both public and private sector leaders with a sole focus on Placer County’s economic competitiveness, the Placer County Economic Development Board is uniquely suited to comment on critical issues that impact our shared economic future,” said Dave Butler, economic development board chair and vice mayor of Rocklin.
“The projects that comprise the Placer County Transportation Planning Commission’s ‘project priority list’ will indeed positively impact Placer County’s economic competitiveness and enhance the quality of life of residents in all of our communities. These projects enhance goods movement, ease traffic congestion and increase access to employment centers and education institutions. Bottom line, these projects keep Placer County moving forward,” he said.
Currently, the agency identifies gasoline tax and federal and state funding for transportation infrastructure. Developer-paid traffic impact fees also contribute to future infrastructure needs. PCTPA estimates that over the next three decades, $3.5 billion will be needed to fund priority transportation projects.
PCTPA has identified a number of projects that would receive funding priority if additional revenue is received, including projects to relieve highway congestion and improve public transit and bike paths. The cities of Auburn, Colfax, Lincoln, Rocklin and Roseville, the Town of Loomis and the Placer County Board of Supervisors have voted to support PCTPA’s spending plan for its priority projects.