Friday, February 7, 2025
56.7 F

ECO:LOGIC Engineering wins award for economic contribution

Auburn, Calif.- On Wednesday, March 19, 2008, at the Annual Placer County Economic Development Board Summit & Breakfast, ECO:LOGIC Engineering was awarded the Private Sector Award ‘in recognition of outstanding public service and making a significant contribution to the economic well-being of Placer County’ in 2007.

ECO:LOGIC was nominated for the award by Lincoln City Councilman Spencer Short in appreciation of the many significant contributions that ECO:LOGIC professionals have made to the advancement of water supplies and water quality in the region.  The County recognized ECO:LOGIC for its contribution to the County’s well planned water and wastewater system, acknowledging that the system lays a solid foundation for continued economic prosperity.

California is unique because of its limited and variable water supply, and growing competition for water between new urbanization, agriculture, and environmental interests.  These contribute to California water quality standards being among the most stringent in the world.  ECO:LOGIC was formed to fill a void in local expertise that is required to address these issues.

ECO:LOGIC was founded in 1993 by five professionals with an altruistic objective of bringing the highest level of water consulting expertise and creativity to Northern California’s smaller and medium-sized communities. The firm continues to measure its success by the quality and value of its work to the communities and the elegance of its engineering solutions.

The presentation at the Economic Development Board Summit specifically recognized ECO:LOGIC for their work on the City of Lincoln Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility.  ECO:LOGIC planned, permitted, designed, managed construction, started up, and continues to operate the City of Lincoln Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility.  This project was planned to efficiently accommodate future growth in Lincoln, and to accommodate other western Placer County agencies that might later choose to connect to the plant in the future.

Speaking at the dedication ceremony of the Lincoln treatment facility, a representative of the State Water Resources Control Board referred to it as ‘the model for how wastewater should be treated in California’.  The facility is the first of its design, and the first to achieve all of the requirements of the Basin Plan and California Toxics Rule for removal of dissolved metals and other contaminants.

The advanced level of treatment delivered by the Lincoln facility allows for continued economic growth in the City of Lincoln and to Western Placer County.  The Lincoln treatment facility provides the benefit of treated wastewater as well as a replacement source of irrigation water.  Removal of contaminants is so complete at Lincoln that the newly refreshed water meets all regulatory standards for use on landscape irrigation and crops, including rice crops (the only facility permitted for this use in the state).  Using this substantial new water source for irrigation allows local water planners to consider groundwater that was formerly allocated to agricultural uses to be considered as fresh drinking water for the region.

ECO:LOGIC was recognized at the Economic Development Board Summit & Breakfast with commendations from John Doolittle – United States Congressman, Fourth District California; Dave Cox – California State Senator, First District; Sam Aanestad – California State Senator, Fourth District; Rick Keene – California Assemblyman, Third District; and Ted Gaines – California Assemblyman, Fourth District.

ECO:LOGIC is a consulting engineering firm based in Rocklin, California.  ECO:LOGIC employs over 150 professionals who specialize in planning, permitting, design, construction management and operations of water and wastewater facilities in Northern California and Nevada.

Brighter Side


Roseville welcomes US Quadball West Coast National Qualifier this weekend

Roseville, Calif. - Quadball, an action-packed sport that evolved from the Harry Potter novels, will hold its only West Coast national qualifier Saturday, Feb. 8, and Sunday, Feb. 9 at Maidu Regional Park in Roseville.

Lowest Gas Prices in Roseville, Rocklin, & Lincoln

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Beryozka European Market in Rocklin, Calif.

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El Burrito Taqueria in Roseville. Our goal is to provide a fantastic experience for our guests. We use the best ingredients to create all of our authentic Mexican dishes.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy

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Roseville welcomes US Quadball West Coast National Qualifier this weekend

Roseville, Calif. - Quadball, an action-packed sport that evolved from the Harry Potter novels, will hold its only West Coast national qualifier Saturday, Feb. 8, and Sunday, Feb. 9 at Maidu Regional Park in Roseville.

Lowest Gas Prices in Roseville, Rocklin, & Lincoln

Roseville, Calif. - Gas prices continue to push higher above the $4 per gallon mark at many locations around South Placer County. Roseville consistently remains the low price leader while Rocklin and Lincoln residents consistently pay higher energy costs across the board.

Beryozka – European Market in Rocklin

Beryozka European Market in Rocklin, Calif.

El Burrito Taqueria in Roseville

El Burrito Taqueria in Roseville. Our goal is to provide a fantastic experience for our guests. We use the best ingredients to create all of our authentic Mexican dishes.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy

As we age, we approach the "pausal" years. For women, it's known as Menopause. For men, it's known as Andropause. During these transitional times in life, it's as if the sex glands go into retirement and there can be a lot of changes,

Placer Conservation Authority takes step toward securing 4,245 acres of land easement acquisitions north of Lincoln

Auburn, Calif. - Approximately 4,245 acres of prime farmland, natural open space and environmental resources north of Lincoln is a step closer to being secured in perpetuity as part of the Placer County Conservation Program.

Boot Juice and Blü Egyptian in Auburn at Foothills Fillmore Feb 22

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