ROSEVILLE: Yesterday, Rep. John Doolittle voted–for the third time–against a bi-partisan, five year reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)–narrowly sustaining a controversial veto of the measure by President Bush.
SCHIP provides affordable private health coverage to children whose parents earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, and too little to buy insurance on their own. The program currently covers more than 6.6 million children nationwide, and more than 10,000 in Congressional District 4.
“Yesterday, John Doolittle once again put partisan and special interest loyalties ahead of America’s children,” said Ret. Lt. Col.
Charlie Brown. “Denying poor children access to a doctor–especially when growing numbers of American families are facing job loss, home foreclosure, and rising energy and food costs is unconscionable.”
Yesterday’s bi-partisan compromise bill, which specifically excludes adults and illegal immigrants from receiving any SCHIP benefits, would have expanded coverage to more than 2600 uninsured children in CD4 and an additional 4 million low income children nationwide.
“Without insurance and access to preventive care, kids often end up in the emergency room with chronic conditions,” Brown continued. “And those costs get passed on to the rest of us in the form of higher premiums, co-pays, and deductibles.”
Forty five House Republicans voted with Democrats in support of the measure, which also enjoys a veto-proof majority in the Senate and the support of 43 Governors— including California Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“As a parent, I know that ensuring kids have access to affordable medical care is not a partisan issue, it’s an American issue,” Brown added. “I applaud all who voted in support of this measure for having the courage to put patriotism before partisanship. That said, it’s clear that we still need more leaders in Congress who understand that country comes first—starting here in CD4.”
Charlie Brown, Lt. Col. Ret spent 26 years in the U.S. Air Force, serving as a rescue helicopter and reconnaissance pilot, and working with intelligence collection assets. He is also a credentialed California teacher, former professional staff-member at the Roseville Police Department, and a Candidate for Congress in California’s 4th District.