Roseville Calif.- Nearly one in ten Americans is the victim of severe anxiety, phobias, or obsessive-compulsive disorders that trap them into a life of fear, isolation and shame, unable to enjoy normal interactions with others, or in some cases, even leave their home. This level of fear restricts sufferer’s daily activities and drives many to the brink of despair.
On October 20, Sierra College Community Education based in Roseville CA, will offer a one day class given by world renowned doctor, Howard Leibgold MD, AKA Dr. Fear, titled “Curing Anxiety, Phobias, Panic and OCD.”
Dr. Fear knows well the pain and embarrassment of anxiety disorders, having suffered himself from severe panic attacks and other phobic episodes as a young man. Unable to find any relief through traditional treatments, Dr. Leibgold, board certified in rehabilitation, devised his own system of confronting and banishing his fears. He has developed a step-by-step treatment program that for the past 24 years, has worked to successfully treat thousands of anxious children and adults around the world who have attended his workshops and classes.
If you are painfully shy or have panic attacks or fear public speaking, driving, flying, bridges, elevators, shopping malls, supermarkets, leaving home, escalators, social contacts, busses, BART, subways, crowds, being alone, insects, animals, doctors or any of the over 200 recognized phobias, or suffer recurrent, disturbing thoughts or have to perform endless ritualistic behaviors, you owe it to yourself to attend this day long class with Dr. Fear.
“OK, get your pens out,” begins the 69-year-old, Brooklyn-born Liebgold. “This is very important. All phobics share three myths: First, “I am the only person who has this.’ Yeah, you and 46 million other Americans. Second, “I’m crazy or am going to go crazy.’ And third, “My case is so severe that I’m incurable.’ “Well, I’ve got news for you. All phobias and obsessions are absolutely curable, including yours.”