In 2015, Placer County Fire responded to 7,636 calls for emergency service, including medical and fire calls, for 475 square miles of unincorporated areas of the county. This service is provided by CAL FIRE through an annual contract with the county. Each fiscal year, the county renews the contract, ensuring consistency and continuity of response to emergency calls.
The county board of supervisors OK’d a $10.6 million contract for fiscal year 2016-17. The contract will provide fire and emergency service for about 52,000 residents, plus visitors who make calls for service while in the county.
The contract represents a 4.4 percent increase due to restoring two firefighters to Station 77 in the Sunset Area near Lincoln, Rocklin and Roseville and restoring a battalion chief in North Auburn-Ophir. Funding for the CAL FIRE contract comes from the County Fire Control Fund, Sunset West Fire, North Auburn-Ophir Fire and Dry Creek Fire.
In addition to CAL FIRE, there are 18 other independent fire districts in the county. Placer County Fire service is provided by 60 full-time firefighters operating out of eight stations staffed around the clock. Those stations are in Alta, Colfax, Bowman, North Auburn, Ophir, Lincoln, the Sunset Area and Dry Creek. CAL FIRE manages the City of Colfax Volunteer Fire Department and assists the city with its fire inspection and land development functions. These services are funded by the City of Colfax in a separate agreement with the county.
Additionally, approximately 75 volunteer and resident firefighters operate out of the paid stations listed above and from seven community volunteer stations located in Dutch Flat, Fowler, Paige, Ophir, Thermalands, Dry Creek and Sheridan. Placer County Fire provides overhead supporting all paid and volunteer fire stations. That support includes chief officer coverage 24/7, fire prevention staff, a heavy equipment mechanic, administration, procurement, communications and facilities maintenance support.