150+ Placer County employees moving to new Bill Santucci Justice Center in Roseville.
They are relocating to a new two-story office building located next to an 110,700-square-foot courthouse building opened last summer. The latter features nine courtrooms used by the Placer County Superior Court.
The Bill Santucci Justice Center is on Industrial Avenue between Blue Oaks and Sunset boulevards just west of Highway 65.
The 60,850-square-foot office building at 10810 Justice Center Drive will accommodate the Revenue Services Division of the Administrative Services Department, as well as employees from the District Attorney’s Office and Probation Department. All three interact frequently with the courts.
Fifteen Revenue Services employees were the first to move. They left their offices at 11582 B Ave. in North Auburn on Friday, Jan. 16 and reopened at the Santucci Center on Tuesday, Jan. 20.
The main telephone number for Revenue Services is now 916-543-3900.
Revenue Services manages payment of court-ordered fines and other fees. It moved to the Santucci Center because most of its business is court-related.
‘My staff and I are very excited about the move, because the new location will allow us to provide even better service to the public and with more efficiency since we will be located next door to the Placer County courts and in the same building as the District Attorney and Probation Departments,’ said Revenue Services Manager Sandy Conte.
Approximately 60 Probation employees moved to the Santucci Center over the weekend of Jan. 17-18. The first day of operation there was Tuesday, Jan. 20.
The center now is home to most of Probation’s Adult Services staff, including Adult Court, Adult Supervision Services and Alternative Sentencing. In addition, a small part of the department’s juvenile services relocated to Roseville.
Probation officers who worked out of the Roseville Police Department also relocated to the new building at the Santucci Center.
‘The close proximity with Revenue Services, the DA’s Office and the court will provide easy access for the public to take care of their matters,’ Adult Services Probation Manager Marshall Hopper said. ‘Further, it will also provide increased communication between our departments and provide better services to our clients.’
About 30 Probation employees remain at the Auburn Justice Center in North Auburn. Most of them work for Probation’s Juvenile Services and benefit from being close to the Juvenile Court and Juvenile Detention Facility at the North Auburn Government Center.
Probation’s main telephone number remains the same: 530-889-7900.
The Probation Department also has some employees who work at the county Children’s System of Care in Auburn and some staff at North Lake Tahoe.
About 100 employees from the District Attorney’s Office will be stationed at the Santucci Center. They began moving there Wednesday, Jan. 21.
The District Attorney’s main public telephone number at the Santucci Center will be 916-543-8000.
Most of the office’s operations are moving to the center, but its Juvenile Division will remain at the Auburn Justice Center in North Auburn. The office also has a small workforce at North Lake Tahoe.
The Justice Center is named in honor of the late Bill Santucci, a former Roseville councilman and mayor who served three terms on the Placer County Board of Supervisors.
Placer County is developing the Santucci Center to provide modern, centrally located courtrooms, jail and other public-protection facilities to better serve communities such as Rocklin, Roseville and Lincoln.