Sacramento, Calif.- Assemblyman Ted Gaines, R–Roseville, introduced Assembly Bill 268 to repeal a controversial state law requiring residents with septic tanks to pay costly inspection fees.
“I have received hundreds of phone calls and e-mails from constituents outraged about this one-size-fits-all regulation that will result in costly and burdensome requirements on local residents, especially rural property owners throughout my district,” Gaines said.
In 2000, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed a law calling for the State Water Resources Control Board to develop a septic standard to prevent wastewater from contaminating both underground and above ground water storage (Assembly Bill 885-Jackson).
The proposed regulations to implement this law, released in November 2008, will require residents to pay for an inspection fee of approximately $325 in order to receive a waiver exempting them from the new regulations. Inspection requirements will be imposed statewide. Gaines’ new legislation, Assembly Bill 268, will repeal those requirements.
“This irresponsible law does nothing but push costly and unnecessary regulations on families during a time when they are already facing financial burdens during the state’s fiscal crisis,” Gaines said. “That’s why I have introduced legislation to repeal this burdensome law and will continue fighting hard this year to give local governments the responsibility to set regulations that make sense for the constituents they serve.”
Assemblyman Ted Gaines represents the 4th Assembly District, which includes portions of Placer, El Dorado, Sacramento & Alpine counties.